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Our Latest Blogs

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Wellness Tips

Keeping healthy & positive between public holidays

So it's the first day back at work after Matariki & you check the calendar. The next public holiday isn't until the end of October - what will you do?

Candidate Tips

Time to follow up with a hiring manager? Here's how to do it!

Harriet Hrynkewycz, Principal Consultant here at Find has helped compile some tips and tricks to help you reach out in a professional manner.

Candidate Tips

Time to resign? Here’s how to do it properly!

Time to resign but unsure how to do it? Here's how to tender your letter of resignation while keeping things friendly and approachable.

Client Tips

Finding Your Next Superstar: Why a Recruitment Agency Could Be Your Secret Weapon

Drowning in applications? Hiring should be exciting, not overwhelming! Click to discover your secret hiring weapon (hint: it's us!)

Candidate Tips

The must have skills of any candidate in 2024

We asked Find Recruitment Director Julian Greaves and Senior Consultant Sif Arnardóttir what the most desirable candidate skills are.


It's the Year of the Dragon! Here's your Zodiac career insights!

2024 marks the Year of the Dragon, and is a perfect opportunity to reflect on your career trajectory and the career insights that your Zodiac offers.

Candidate Tips

What's right for me? How to choose to work for small businesses or large organisations.

Weighing up whether to work for a small business or a large organisation? Let's break down the pros and cons of each option.

Wellness Tips

Finding the secret to the perfect work-life balance

Feel like work is taking over and you don't have any time to relax and enjoy yourself? Check out our tips for maintaining a more balanced life.

Candidate Tips

Scared of a change of job? Tackle your fears head on!

Time to move on from your current job onto something new, but afraid of what's to come? Here's some tips to get over your fear of changing jobs.

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Thanks for your interest in Find!

Thanks for your interest in what we do here at FIND. We love meeting and helping amazing kiwis every day and will always do our best for our clients and candidates. We've been simplifying the recruitment game since 2008, so don't hesitate to get in touch if you need our help!

Find Recruitment logo, but in White.
Find Recruitment logo, but in White.
Level 13, 342 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 6011
Level 1, 87 Albert Street, Auckland Central 1010