Oct 2023

On the topic of AI

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Pete Thompson

AI remains a hot topic. By now you're probably tired of hearing about it however tools like ChatGPT have allowed for some streamlining of recruitment services, including writing job descriptions, which can fast-track many aspects. This, however, can never replace the human element, which is what sets recruiters and AI apart.

AI remains exceptionally fast, however it is fallible, and will rely solely on the accuracy of what remains online. With no resources at its disposal to verify information, and to screen through human emotion and thought, you cannot guarantee accuracy with AI usage. AI cannot offer the reliability that comes from a face-to-face chat, or a phone call, to pick up on different nuances. Indeed you could spend countless hours of your own screening through generic candidates that an AI system may put forward, but that is counterintuitive to your business objectives.

AI lacks original thought and can only make use of what it is fed. Debate rages about the unintentional bias of AI, in that the perspective of a particular AI will align to the morality of its maker. This could result in a divide in D,E&I as AI has the potential to favour certain characteristics and eliminate others for not fitting the makers' criteria. The lack of original thought however means that a business which relies solely upon AI to find people will likely end up hiring poor culture fits, and will waste their time wading through excessive volumes of unrelated content to try and find someone good. Recruitment Agencies like Find are market specialists and are worth every dollar in making the true cut-through needed to find the top talent.

AI is not all doom and gloom however. AI can facilitate us quickly screening written documents to look for errors, to craft the baseline for new job descriptions or advertisements which we can finesse with our expertise, and to optimise our output. Essentially operating as a 'personal assistant’ to each person means the admin/paperwork is getting done, and our consultants are spending more time talking to candidates, and providing our clients with the most authentic people in the market.

We're proud to deliver on the human element with the support of AI at Find Recruitment. We've already delivered on authenticity for over 15 years, thanks to our lack of KPIs and metrics, which facilitates our consultants in sending candidates across to clients that are truly a match.

Looking for more insights?

Download our latest State of the Market at the link below!

State of the Market Q1 2024

Click to download
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Thanks for your interest in what we do here at FIND. We love meeting and helping amazing kiwis every day and will always do our best for our clients and candidates. We've been simplifying the recruitment game since 2008, so don't hesitate to get in touch if you need our help!

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Find Recruitment logo, but in White.
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